Chinese dragons are said to have a kind and benevolent nature, and to bring good fortune. We can pray that this year brings good things to these little ones waiting for their families in Asia~~
Like Jimmy. Who could resist this face? Jimmy will be five in March. He has Down Syndrome. He is said to be "quiet and playful," and curious about his world. He is being cared for in a foster family, who love him, but he needs a family of his own, forever.

Like Erika. She is two and a half, and has Down Syndrome. In this picture she's looking intently at the camera, but we're told she is playful, and likes to dance with adults. She needs a mom to dance with her!

Like Caleb. In the picture he's sitting, like a doll--but he's another active and playful one! Caleb has Down Syndrome, and turned four last November. Where is his family?

and remember Valentin, and his family who are on their way to bring him love in this new year.

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